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Creación: 09/03/2011 05:51
Actualizar: 11/07/2011 10:22
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astridd :: Heart of the Journey

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artículo: Growing calls for resignation for the Japanese prime minister - 06/04/2011 08:23

Growing calls for resignation for the Japanese prime minister.
Tokyo, June 1 .- The Japanese prime minister, Yukio Hatoyama, said today is willing to continue in office when growing demands within his own party to resign before the Senate elections, scheduled for July.
"This new national government to change policies substantially and I continue to work properly," Hatoyama indicated, elected in September and whose popularity is around 17 percent, according to the latest polls.
Hatoyama,  citizen support, already low, has collapsed after its decision to maintain in Okinawa (southern Japan), the controversial U.S. base at Futenma, announced on Friday, despite his campaign promise that they would derive from that island and even Japan.
A poll released this week by the Nikkei economic daily indicated that 63 percent of Japanese believe that their,  prime minister should resign over the mismanagement of Futenma, since it has taken eight months to reach an agreement with the U.S. that is practically identical that Japan had already signed in 2006.
Minister spokesman, Hirofumi Hirano, admitted today that some lawmakers of the ruling Democratic Party ( sto credits) have expressed concern ahead of the, upcoming elections for the upper house, expected to be held on 11 July.
In those elections renewing half of the Senate, which currently controls the PD with the support of other parties, but without an absolute majority.
The upper house can block laws that require the approval of both houses of the Diet ( sto credits) of Japan. In the House the PD has an absolute majority since the general elections of 30 sto credits, which ended five decades of Liberal Democratic Party government.
Said today the local news agency Kyodo, some senators who must renew their mandate in the upcoming elections have expressed their fear of the burden posed by the low popularity of the prime minister.
However, Hatoyama Cabinet ministers today expressed his public support, including that which is seen as his likely successor, Naoto Kan, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance.
"I said that I hope to fulfill its task as prime minister during his term of four years ( star trek credits) and I still think the same thing," said Khan today, who nonetheless admitted that the current situation is worrying.
Other ministers who came out today to dnd the head of Government was the owner of the portfolio of Health, Akira Nagatsuma, who expressed his desire to further develop its work, and Financial Services, Shizuka Kamei, the People’s New Party.
That minority group governs in coalition with the star trek credits, but the other political force that until now was also his partner, the Social Democratic Party (star trek credit
), decided to leave the executive from the controversy created by the Futenma base.
The agreement announced Friday by Japan and the U.S. is nearly identical to that in force since 2006, which establishes the relocation of the Futenma base to a less populated area of Okinawa but within the same Japanese island.
Hatoyama promised in his election campaign that would take Futenma in Okinawa or even Japan, but during his short term has not been able to convince the U.S. to give approval to any of their proposals

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artículo: Go, Pump Some Iron, Lil’ Flashy! - 08/04/2011 10:55

We hope all the closed beta testers will enjoy the test and explore the features of the Flash client to the fullest! We would love to hear your feedback on the private test board!
To all players who have not made it into the closed beta test we would like to say: We are looking forward to the open beta test with you!The closed beta test for the Tibia Flash client has recently come to an end. More than 1,800 posts were made on the private test board within just a couple of days. The willingness of the invited players to put Lil’ Flashy to the acid test was clearly there. Thank you so much for that! You all have provided us with great feedback and some pretty interesting proposals for further improvements as well.
So what is next? We have decided to take our time now and to really improve those parts of the client that still are not as good as we had hoped for. The closed beta has revealed Lil’ Flashy’s strengths and weaknesses, and before we kick off another testing phase we want to make its strengths even stronger and resolve all major weaknesses the client still suffers from. Our primary goal is to make the tibia gold  client a real alternative to the current client. The closed beta has shown that we have not reached this goal yet. Therefore we will throw ourselves into it again and develop the client further in order to make it go beyond the limits it currently has to face.
The launching date of the open beta test as well as the actual release date of the Tibia Flash client are still to be determined. As soon as the dates are set we will let you know.
The closed beta test of the upcoming  client has ended and all of you probably have already spotted some screenshots of the new client here or on a fansite.
Besides all the features of the Flash client we already presented, we still have a surprise for you. There is a further widget that has a lot to offer! It was a well kept secret until now and was not yet ready to make it into the closed beta test. But we will let it out today:
A game in a game... How does that sound? tibia gold Awesome! Whether you need a distraction when making runes or want to have some fun while waiting for a certain boss to spawn in Tibia, the TibiaME widget will offer you a way to dive into a whole new virtual world full of monsters, quests and new people to meet. Yes, Tibians, you have heard right! In the upcoming Flash client a special widget will allow you to play the TibiaME classic client while being online in Tibia. You do not even need a mobile device. Just log into Tibia via the Flash client and enjoy playing both games in one single screen!
For two years, CM Ogrey has been an avid messenger, both for the  community and for CipSoft. He has always performed his tasks with passion and commitment, and with a good deal of humour. He is well respected and popular among the Tibian community, a community he undoubtedly holds close to his heart. He has also been a great contributor to our community management team and a valuable asset to CipSoft.
However, Captain Oggy is now eager to explore new seas and venture across new shores outside of CipSoft. On April 15, he will set sails and move on. Even though we are happy to announce that we have found a new community manager to fill the gap he leaves, we are truly sad to see him go.
Ogrey, as friends and colleagues we want to thank you for all you have done and for the great moments we have shared. tibia gold was a pleasure to work with you. Among many other things, we will treasure your witty comments that made us laugh, for example:
Somebody once told me that I was a sadist in my previous life. I loved to torture others with bad jokes and even worse stories that were completely meaningless. Note, that was my previous life! There might be some traces left though even today. I should investigate further...
You know, there are some rather strange people working at CipSoft and these guys usually make some equally strange sounds, utter weird sentences, or have passionate discussions about private and not-so-private matters with their colleagues.
 What is a humorous message of the day for you? Is it something like "Ogrey fell off his office chair" or "Little Noodles wants to be a sheep dog in his after-life" ... or simply "You are dead"?
Yeeeeeeh... world champions... and Germany is third. Third means 3 months downtime. So see you in October. Bye.
A CM token is pure love, isn’t it? We do not really need a Love token...
May the sea be smooth,
and the winds fill yer sails, Captain!
Finally! A rendezvous with Lil’ Flashy is close at hand! The closed beta test of the tibia money client is right around the corner.
Tomorrow, March 23, around noon, we will let Lil’ Flashy loose and all closed beta testers will have the chance to test the heck out of the fancy new Flash client. In addition to tutors, senators and fansite admins, 371 players have been selected to join the test.
We will also set up a private test board tomorrow on which all necessary information and links for the closed beta test can be found. Only closed beta testers will have access to this board when they are logged into their account on the website. If you are one of them, we would like to ask you to please carefully read the instructions there before you start testing.
The beta test for the Flash client is coming closer. To bridge the waiting time a little, we have decided to kick off another teaser today. Fasten your seatbelt! It is time to shed some light on the brand-new battle list features of the Tibia Flash client.
At large, the new battle list works just as the current one - but with a major improvement: You can now choose what exactly you want to get displayed there. There are several filters available that allow you to show or hide certain content with a single click on an icon. For example, you can hide other players in the battle list if you want to focus on hunting monsters at the moment. Or you can hide any creature if you want to pay attention to the people around you. Filters are also available for tibia money NPCs, party members and even non-skulled players. Just imagine you want to take revenge on a player killer and keep your battle list clean of everything else.
Apart from deciding what content your battle list should actually show or hide, you can, of course, sort the data either ascending or descending in different ways. You want to get those creatures that are closest to you listed on top? Choose "sort by distance". You are surrounded by dozens of players and want to keep track of them? Hide everything else but players and select "sort by name". When you are in a war, choosing "sort by hitpoints" will certainly come in handy for you.
Here is another screenshot that shows what the battle list currently looks like. Work is still in progress here. Nevertheless, you can already check out the new icons at the top of the battle list with which you can turn filters on and off. We have placed some lizards in the room of NPC Chrak in Chazorai to show you the filter buy tibia gold
 effect. Chrak is standing right next to our character, however, he does not appear in our battle list since we have activated the filter to hide NPCs.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artículo: The Tank Guide in Tera(3) - 12/04/2011 05:43

We have been reading posts and watching videos about this game for the past 3 days, for the most part, we like what we see. The fight mechanics of the game look fun and the graphics look great. The unique animations of the awesome looking mobs and the possible strategies with playing the game "action" style is very intriguing. Our main questions and concerns are difficult to approach because we really want to like this game(cheap tera gold) more.
We are noticing a fairly small set of skills per class in Tera Gold. We understand that they want to make gamepads viable and that may be one reason for limiting spells. We also understand that all of the info isnt released and there could be more at higher levels. We know some mmo’s and rpg’s have too many spells that become redundant or obsolete. Our concern is that the spells/abilities are gonna be limited and will result in spamming 1/2 keys in most fights with the "highlight" of the action gameplay being focused on defensive tactics. Most of your so-called attention to the game is to have not disclosed the information. We can only at this stage, most of them guess. For a view that this is an exciting time there is a lot of unknown things of Tera, you can dream and speculate, not only concerned about working conditions. Not that many online games we have stumbled across so far. It have revealed that mutch information on every single Tera Goldgame mechanics because it will awlays be people who does not understand everything untill they tried it for themself.
People do draw their own conclussion, getting missleading information, reading angry forum posts that is filled with lies leading to that to mutch information builds up a picture of the game that is faulse. We agree with you, only one class(tera online gold), each type of weapon is abit boring, but when we think about it, Tera Gold seems more realistic grasp only one type of class. The only 2 classes that resembels eachother is Slayer and Berserker but if you read up on the little information there is about them you would realise they actually are different. Very different.Furthermore we think it is also more realistic to have more melee classes than spell classes though Tera has a combination of 4 melee and 4 range as they like to see it. We hope that at level 60 in Tera, the classes does not have 3 bars times 15 buttons full of skills, buffs and what not. We like that there is few skills - seem that every skill is more special, more loved and have more thought in Tera online Gold
 We think it would be neat to see skill development that implements these changes in Tera. A way we think might work is to assign a weight to each weapon, you could even go as far as to assign armor weights and then take into account the statistics of the character(Tera online Gold
), thus arriving at a "level" that the character’s skills will be displayed.We are not saying something like this should affect a characters haste/attack speed, but rather just change the look of the way the character maneuvers.An example as to how this might be calculated:Skill Movement = E (Weight of items) - ((.80)(strength)+(.60)(dexterity)) , thus different statistics can contribute differently. Let me know what you guys think of this idea.


bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artículo: Ah a gust of wind - 20/04/2011 07:21

The idea generated in the hearts of Ziqiong Why? She could not understand why there is such an idea but just want to look at. My handsome brother big sister, right? The little girl smiled proudly. Ziqiong froze the next hand to unplug the little girl touches her forehead. With temperature and body temperature of human! Ziqiong aware of this awkward blush.
She just thought that just this cute girl is a ghost or other creatures it was her mistake. You hold me I can not walk Ziqiong said. Release the little girl smiling down strange smile Ziqiong resumed when the rise of the eyes clear and her smile has become naive dofus kamas. Big sister you really willing to take over this job? The little girl holding hands Ziqiong smile looking Ziqiong paper said. Ah Ziqiong response.
Big sister I have a better job can give you Oh, the mysterious little girl smiled and said: And you can get a million of money. Ko Deng heart just felt the next Ziqiong surprised watching the little girl did not understand what her words mean. My name is Wang Yung-Yi Rongrong can you call me the little girl smiled and went on to say: big sister called?
Ziqionglengzheng said: Ziqiong. Wow the little girl is very surprised by her eyes and laughed bloom: the name of Jesus really good big sister I also dofus kamas want the same name it! Your name is also very good Ziqiong helpless children did not smile on the side of her. Big sister to take over that ten million dollars not to work? To take the words of my brother Oh, I can take you asked Wang Yi Yung seem to see through the Ziqiong mind.
Do you know who cut the hands of the party trouble it?Is the Fastest! That was brutal Lord you got him the family had to suffer the dragons quickly persuaded Xiao-Yong Zhou. Fastest is the famous sea underworld thugs killed five or six years ago because I did not expect life sentenced him out even after the amputation of dofus kamas the hand of the party, huh Xiao-Yong Zhou is a native of the coastal people, and stay there for some time in the community Speed Wang’’s name is heard in this area.
Hey that was my useless too! Xiao-Yong Zhou shouted angrily. Fastest to clean up until they find a gust of wind! Li said. A gust of wind is the sea cat burglar known he was a martial arts is said to look more like a lunatic his behavior, like the ancient Grand acheter kamas: Zhuantou the property of the wicked corrupt officials, even after leaving a knife and stolen property that he is said to have used relief to the poor in the coastal wind often recent forum posting forums coastal people’’s livelihood has one of his top post: "I am a fly by the corrupt officials who wicked gust of bullying you thread" a gust of wind is said to have received a lot of people the grace of the sea wind is not only a lot of corrupt officials acheter kamas stole a lot of improvement also the wicked Alan is the network of these worms spread gossip to know a lot.
Ah a gust of wind in the sea is indeed the recent cow known prior to the third master of the big tractor sea was interrupted by a gust of wind shot Fastest arm I’’m afraid if he really want to bad luck! Dragons are the side said. Lu Ping, you go through a procedure we go home! Li back to you with me to the web today, things were going to help maybe a gust of wind shot heroes can we vent it!Xiao-Yong Zhou said as he sat up buy kamas